2 words: wanna pie?

In a dusty alley running parallel to Cochiti, dustier men gather at a spot in the chain link fence. On the other side sits an immobile van that is clearly being lived in.  The roof is crammed with an array of gas cans, wheelchairs, a satellite dish, and other stolen items. A woman is allowed... Continue Reading →

H2off Primaloft lined coat 3XL

Pack rats and hoarders, oh they get such a bad rap! I mean, don't YOU be one, bring us all of your unused stuff.  Then K. can hoard it in the StreetSafe storage shed for years, until just the right moment... Cheers to her photgraphic memory, as she snapped into action in this, a  followup... Continue Reading →

We had a baby

We see strollers used all the time at outreach, but there's never a baby in them.  It's usually clothing, personal items, boxes of replacement syringes from Healthcare for the Homeless, and sometimes...a puppy. That's why  when a client came over smiling,  with something tucked into her hoody all secret like, we all cooed, "ooooh, is... Continue Reading →

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