Three billboards in Albuquerque, New Mexico

It doesn't seem to make much sense. Why rent billboards about a decade-old serial killer case? Yes, the murders of 11 women whose bodies were later found buried on the West Mesa continue to haunt Albuquerque. But how would putting up billboards now help anything? The truth is, they likely won't inspire a new witness... Continue Reading →

Friday Nights: Nov. 17

(* names removed to protect identities) I arrive at the vacant parking lot that we claim as ours on Friday nights.  The shuttered business on this lot has been leased and there is cleanup going on, most of the broken glass has been swept up.  Coincidence or instinct that we tend to park our cars in... Continue Reading →

Friday Nights: Nov. 10

(*names removed to protect identities) “I’m A, what is your name?”   I smiled and replied, “I’m M, nice to meet you A.” She knelt down on the asphalt parking lot, “Nice to meet you too.” and picked through a bin of donated clothes.  This was my first time meeting her.  She didn’t have anything with her... Continue Reading →

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