The victory of three serial rapists

On the surface, the three most recent serial rapists added to the Bad Guy List have few similarities. One is a white man in his 60s with salt-and-pepper hair. One is a tall African-American man in his 40s. And one is short, fat African-American man in 20s. Yet they do have several key things in... Continue Reading →

A room of her own

Bella is happy. She has a lock on her door. For the past few years, she had been sleeping in abandoned houses, under bushes or occasionally in a hotel room — all with groups of people. She had moved from place to place, never able to stay anywhere for too long before she and her... Continue Reading →

Friday Nights: Dec 29

The Fair and Square has an art deco look to it. It's two shades of teal and has an offset two-story wall that has no purpose other than to remind me where to turn. The store is very out-of-place here among the hacienda style buildings. Perhaps a tornado picked it up in Miami and dropped... Continue Reading →

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